April 15, 2003 - new mix by soundadvice

New mixer soundadvice offers a quite good new dancey-dance mix:

Volume 1

Or as he puts it: "We have a night in Sheffield called BodyBag - this CD is a taster of the kind of music we play, hope you enjoy it - it is an electroclash mix with some well known acapellas put over the top of some of the tracks live to
add a bit of variety. Bodybag is on the 27th April at Hush bar in Sheffield from 7pm until late."

Share and enjoy!

Posted by assorted at April 15, 2003 05:50 PM


loved the mix
if u aint downloaded it i suggest that u do
This is one for the car in the summer sun, something for everyone on here

Posted by: boy-c on April 17, 2003 05:47 PM

aye, we played this at a party yesterday, it's good stuff

Posted by: naz on April 22, 2003 03:40 AM

I just discovered this mix recently.
its a great Great mix ...........

Posted by: protos on January 23, 2004 03:01 AM

hey ! Great Mix! (no more words!)

Posted by: Orutrance on March 11, 2004 06:02 PM

Is it possible that you have to submit a username & password before you can download it?
Would love to hear it though!

Hope someone can help me out.


Posted by: yvesdenchief on November 8, 2005 11:37 AM

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