October 20, 2004 - Beatles Intros and Mashup Combo

Beatles Intros and Mashup Combo

Geezermexxer: Since the mashup was actually born out of the "Intro's", I'm offering these as two seperate mixes in one mp3!
Nothing technically dazzling, just the typical straight-forward slice and dice that I guess I'm best known for.

And if this inspires a bit more of the razzle-dazzle that I know a lot of you mixers out there are capable of, please feel free to express yourself with what I've done.
I'll look forward to hearing any of the improvements or enchancements anyone might have.

And so, for your dining and dancing pleasure:
The Geez vs The Beatles - Intros and MashUp Combo

00:00 - 06:51 The Beatles Intro's
A rapid-fire romp thru SEVENTY (70) of The Beatle's songs introductions.

07:00 - 27:06
A easier flowing compilation mix of some Beatles music inspired when putting together the Beatles Intro's mix.

Posted by naz at October 20, 2004 06:47 PM


Reminds me of Party Mix by Playgroup (Trevor Jackson). A trip down memory lane. Just like Party Mix , the intros are played and blended in rapid fire session. A keeper.

Posted by: Briscoe on October 22, 2004 12:08 AM

Wow Geez...with each passing mix I get more and more impressed with the style you have. Like a mix between Trevor Jackson and the late John Peel (R.I.P.). Is already burned to CD :-)

Posted by: Spiny Norman on October 27, 2004 06:04 AM

WOW, thanks guys!

With these comments, I had to download this one for myself!!! ;o)

Posted by: Geez on October 27, 2004 05:58 PM

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