October 11, 2004 - Help with our bandwidth


Clicking the below link and donating will directly help pay our site hosting costs. That includes the bandwidth to get new mixes, which we are now skirting the limits of as the site becomes more and more popular. Basically, we're going to have to start shutting down serving new mixes early each month after our bandwidth limit gets hit. If you donate at the below link, that won't happen. Or you'll buy us some time. The money goes directly to our site host. So unfortunately, we can't use it for hookers and blow.

Donate towards our web hosting bill!

The Staff of b00mb0x thanks you.

Oh, and naz wants you to know that by donating you don't really get anything back other then karmic peace. As he put it this morning, "First person that demands something of me because he donated I'm ditching." If you'd like something back then I suggest grabbing something from our cafepress shop. But we're totally spending that money on hookers and blow.

Posted by assorted at October 11, 2004 05:20 PM


i said I'M fucking off (leaving) in that event, tsk tsk

Posted by: naz on November 11, 2004 06:17 PM

Sell-outs! You were just in it for the money all along.

Would it make sense to have that "make a donation" link somewhere on the front page?

Posted by: mwude on November 12, 2004 10:13 AM

itll appear automatically when we run out of bandwidth for the mixes folder, so folks will see it when they try to grab a mix

Posted by: naz on November 12, 2004 10:26 AM

Could you furnish a snail-mail address for those who'd rather not use credit card?

Posted by: Geez on November 12, 2004 12:37 PM

it just goes directly to our hosting compnay, we're not asking folks to send us money so i wouldnt worry about it

Posted by: naz on November 12, 2004 02:09 PM

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