March 11, 2005 - Live at on the Rocks 9/10/04

Live at on the Rocks 9/10/04

Posted by naz at March 11, 2005 04:36 PM


nice! another quality mix mate. lots of good choons on here, Laurent Garnier, Phuture, LCD soundsystem, the list goes on.

keep 'em coming.

Posted by: Ambientfusion on March 13, 2005 01:58 PM

great mix!!! again rockin the spot..

hey. as for on the rocks....... Do you and Lemont get booked for "on the rocks" often?

and is this "on the rocks" the same as the ones they do in Colorado?

if so.. i'm really willing drive a few hrs north to spin a set up there..

email me.. and gimme the low down..

anyway kudos on another great mixset..

frankie5aces [ at ]

Posted by: frankie5aces on March 16, 2005 04:12 AM

Thanks again guys for the accolades! Each mix, as I'm sure is the case for you as well, represents an itch I need to scratch. Until I've put the mix together it occupies my waking thoughts , somewhere in the back. Sorry to deceive on the title , but although it was mixed live, it's not a club recording. I put together the mix (many of the tracks aren't dj friendly) and felt the human flaws (which I enjoy actually) would be better forgiven if the listener thought it was in a club atmosphere. Mainly I called it Live @ On the Rocks so that Soulseek users who didn't know me might be more willing to take a chance and download the mix if they thought it was at a club. As long as they enjoy the mix, all the better. It was a fun mix to do , and the selection is what I would like to mix @ a club (only did it once, and too old for that stuff now). I've known Lemont for over 6 years now because he's engaged to my sister-in-law. He took the faux club idead and ran with it for his mix (which was much smoother I might add ). So, just like with Blair Witch Project, suspend your disbelief for an hour and enjoy.

Posted by: Briscoe on March 16, 2005 09:35 PM


awsome!.. great job, man.. and thnx 4 the 411.

Posted by: frankie5aces on March 17, 2005 04:46 AM

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