The phantom radio station that you can act silly to in the mirror 1st thing in the morning when no ones is looking. Fun stuff
The phantom radio station that you can act silly to in the mirror 1st thing in the morning when no ones is looking. Fun stuff Just a fun compilation of stuff to sing and bop around to while ironing your shirt or rubbing oil on the dog's boil Enjoy and feel free to comment! Tracklisting
HOLY COW I really like your ecclectism. Hey-I played 'Bathroom Mirror Not Included' while my wife was preparing shrimp stir-fry for lunch.We both really got into the mix & she served an extra-nice meal while I put my bop-gained energy into cleaning.The sequence really had us guessing as to what would come next.It prompted me to come check out the playlist.She knows more of these songs than I do,but it didn't decrease my pleasure.Gracias for the grooves-:) Posted by: useo on April 7, 2005 02:54 AMAs before, another killer choice of tunes, keep em coming buddy Posted by: Stu on April 7, 2005 09:04 PMWicked-killer mix Dirk! i can't get it to download w/flashget-I get the red X-everything else downloaded OK. my fault, all better now.. thanks for the heads up! Posted by: naz on April 9, 2005 07:20 PMWhat a great mix! Thanks very much - brightened up my morning and no mistake :) Ah, Free, brings back memories of lying in fields with cider and a stereo that takes 8 giant batteries . . . Posted by: Jeff on April 9, 2005 07:35 PMThanks for your kind comments! I originally put this out as a filler and have a few more like it that I will save for later. I am just presently finishing off a more modern mix and have a few volume problems to sort out. Then, The Rites of Matrix has inspired me to start up a new project which I am just collating stuff for at the moment - it's gonna take a while if its to be anywhere as good as Matrix's though Groove on! - copyright 1968 Posted by: DJ Dirk Danger on April 10, 2005 02:14 PMPost a comment